Traditional Baguette

Puratos Recipe


Tips and tricks: To obtain the French look the first incision must start, and the last one finish, at the very edge of the baguette. Incisions should overlap one another along a third of the cut. By adding a portion of the water at the end of the mixing, you will obtain a more humid crumb and nice cuts. You will obtain better cuts if you let the dough dry slightly before cutting. It is recommended to use a humid blade. To make a “baguette campagnarde”, create a mix that is 50% flour and 50% semolina. To get the appealing traditional look, dust with rye flour before cutting.


Dough ingredients

Provenance Flour Wheat Lancer*
Wholemeal Flour
Fresh Yeast

Puratos ingredients

Sapore Alcina
S500 CL (Improver)
Total dough



Mixing spiral: The Sapore Alcina can be added directly to the bowl or you can blend with some water. Mix 10 min. slow and 4 min. fast. Just before the end of mixing, add the remaining 3% water.

Dough temperature: 24°C

Bulk fermentation: Do an overnight bulk fermentation at 8°C and 80% humidity. Don’t forget to cover your dough to avoid drying the top.

Scale: 350 g – Make up slightly long.

Intermediate proof: 45 min.

Make up/filling

Make up: Shape the pre-shaped doughs like a baguette of 50cm long, place them on a tray with cloth previously floured with rye flour to avoid sticking. Maximum 4 baguettes on one tray.

Final fermentation: 1:30h. at 24°C and 80% R.H.

Decoration before baking

Decoration before baking: Dust with rye flour and 5 cuts on each baguette.


Oven temperature: 250°C with initial steam.

Decrease the temperature to 230°C.

Time : 24-25 min + –

Recipe courtesy of Puratos.

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