Renowned pastry chef, Pierrick Boyer, has been announced as one of the RSPCA Victoria’s newest ambassadors.
The award winning French pastry chef is the owner of the delicious Melbourne dessert bar, Le Petit Gateau and Reverie Café and Dessert, and a self-confessed pet-lover, with two dogs of his own (who have their own Instagram account!).
Pierrick has supported the animal welfare organisation through his various contributions, including to the World Animal Day Gala Ball, Cupcake Day and the Million Paws Walk.
The Victorian branch of the RSPCA announced the ambassadorship via its social media channels as its “sweetest partnership yet”, alongside a photo of Pierrick shaking the hand of a dog.
He has received many awards for his outstanding creations. In 1996, he won the honorary award for the most creative sugar work in the well-renowned South Western Regional Pastry Chef competition, and in 2002 was awarded by the Palm Springs Les Dames Escofier for the most original dessert.
Pierrick moved to Australia in 2003 and was appointed pastry chef at the RACV City Club in Melbourne in 2004, before opening Le Petit Gateau Patisserie in 2007.
With almost three decades of hospitality experience under his belt, Pierrick has worked alongside some of the most renowned chefs in the world and in some of the finest establishments, including the Ritz Carlton in Boston, and was titled Gault & Millau pastry chef of the year 2017.