Jewish Community Excited About Kosher Pie Range

Jewish Community Excited About Kosher Pie Range

Sydney-based pie manufacturer Garlo’s Pies has begun distributing its kosher range of products to cater for the local Jewish community.

The kosher product line, which is the company’s first step towards securing international markets, is currently available in a number of Coles outlets in Sydney. Distribution will increase in early 2013 to additional retailers, including those under the IGA brand.

To gain the approval of the Kashrut Authority of Australia and New Zealand – a kosher certifying agency – Garlo’s Pies products must be prepared in line with strict Jewish dietary laws. In its initial stages, the manufacturing process also required supervision from an approved rabbi.

New dedicated equipment, including ovens, sinks and bench tops, were also installed in the Garlo’s Pies manufacturing premises, as dictated by Australian kosher regulations.

Kashrut supervising authority Rabbi Aaron Groner – who only left the manufacturing facility once the pies were sealed and packaged – said the significance of kosher pies for the Jewish community couldn’t be understated.

“This recent addition to our Kosher Directoryjewish commuNitY excited aBout kosher pie raNGehas generated a huge amount of excitement across all ages and stages. In fact, from word-of-mouth to social media, the Jewish world is talking about kosher Garlo’s Pies,” Rabbi Groner said.

Garlo’s Pies managing director and founder Sean Garlick said there is definite market demand for kosher meat pies.

“We’re always looking at ways to diversify our products. This increases our reach and offers more people the opportunity to try the unique taste of a Garlo’s Pie,” he said.

Garlo’s Pies have also produced Halal-approved pies for the past five years.

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