The 101 guide to affordable marketing

The 101 guide to affordable marketing

The 101 guide to affordable marketing: Instalment, repairing, customer service, apprentices. Do you have all these on your tool belt, and yet your business is still struggling to reach its full potential?

Marketing your business may not be at the top of your expertise list, however, by using the right combination of tactics, you can boost the number of booked jobs you receive on an ongoing basis.

Before you begin developing your marketing strategy, it’s important to consider the values, tone and purpose of your business.

Here are my top four tips for marketing tactics to keep in mind to path your way towards a more successful business:

1. A professional website design is key

First impressions matter, especially when looking to attract the business of developers, property and home owners.

Search engine optimisation accounts for a considerable percentage of how customers find services. A strong website design will connect you to a pool of potential and returning customers, being one of their top factors in determining business credibility.

Ensure that navigating your website is a breeze and important information is set out clearly.

2. Use promotional tools

To nail an offline presence that helps you stand out from competitors, consider using promotional materials such as business cards, calendars, brochures, flyers and posters. This is an effective way for customers to learn about your business in a flash.

Use eye-catching signage with simple contact details and use design elements in order to evoke a coherent strong brand image.

3. Spend money to make money

Online presence can be boosted by investing in pay per click (‘PPC’) services and putting up advertisements to keep your brand top-of-mind among customers.

Online advertising guarantees quick results and will help with directing eyeballs back to your website.

The best part about P2C is that you only pay when the ad is successful and someone has clicked through, unlike traditional advertising methods such as costly billboards. By keeping your website smart phone friendly, you can also increase your online traffic.

4. Social media marketing

Being fluent in social media is a powerful way to expand your business. Online networking platforms open up new avenues for successful advertising- and the best part is that its free.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are often untapped markets in terms of their advertising capabilities. Yet, with the majority of Australian social media users logging in constantly throughout the day, it makes sense for your business to be present online.

Harnessing the influence of social media is simple once you know how. LinkedIn, a professional social platform used by more than 4.5 million Australians, is an easy-to-navigate resource for communicating with potential suppliers and customers, and sharing industry updates.

Set up accounts with identical or similar usernames to create a consistent presence across multi-platforms. Take advantage of every opportunity to reach potential customers and companies by liking, commenting, and reposting content.

Melissa Haywood is head of Vistaprint in Australia, applying her skills to the exciting world of customised products, helping everyday Australians grow their own businesses successfully, no matter what the size.

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