Online Classes Signal A New Era Of Training

Online Classes Signal A New Era Of Training

Technology is changing the way we approach many aspects of our industry and it’s proving particularly beneficial for Australian-based chefs as it’s giving us access to new products, trends and fashions in food instantly.

Twenty years ago there was a vast gap between Australia and Europe in the style and quality of pâtisserie products we made. However, this gap has narrowed dramatically in the past five to 10 years due to technology that has enabled us to access images and recipes immediately from anywhere in the world.

In the past few years I have heard time and time again how people would love to study with us but don’t have the time, can’t get to Melbourne or find the costs prohibitive. In response, I decided to launch online classes to enable people from all around the world to be thoroughly educated in all aspects of chocolate and pâtisserie.

Savour Chocolate & Pâtisserie School has launched a new concept in training and education; Savour online classes. This new venture for Savour is a natural expansion of our already successful hands-on classes in chocolate and pâtisserie.

The classes enable people to subscribe annually or monthly to get access to a large library of video demonstrations and a PDF copy of each recipe at a minimal cost. Once you subscribe you get unlimited access to all videos. I personally demonstrate the step-by-step instructions with all new recipes not taught in Savour’s hands on classes.

The broad array of products demonstrated cater to all levels of expertise from beginners right through to skilled pastry chefs. In-depth tips and techniques cover a wide range of subjects such as tarts, tempering techniques, chocolate curls, entremets, macarons, tea cakes, éclairs, petit gateaux, desserts, moulded chocolates, enrobed chocolates and more. New videos are added to the library collection every month.

My philosophy in chocolate and pâtisserie has evolved throughout the years, with my style being clean and modern. I always believe a garnish should complement the product – not just visually but also in terms of taste. A giant mint leaf is one example I often see placed on desserts and cake slices, which most consumers would simply take off and place to the side.

Our online classes really show the equal importance of texture and flavour. Often, I extend the texture to the exterior, where possible, to create appealing products that are also appetising. For chefs who are particularly interested in creating their own videos or photography, I feel plates or cake boards distract from the products.

Through trial and error, I have come to appreciate plates that are flat and simple, without patterns. White cake boards are great too as they don’t reflect light and draw your eye to them.

I demonstrate my philosophy and style in all the video demonstrations, imparting tips, tricks and a wide range of techniques to enable you to replicate the products in your own kitchen.

For more information and to download a free sample video visit our website at

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