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Recipe uses EOI Perfex, EOI Duo Vegetable and EOI Sovereign
For the wholemeal premium pie bottom pastry
Group 1
2000g wholemeal 90/10 flour
70g salt
50g milk powder
1000g EOI Vegetable Duo or EOI Duo
Group 2
1700ml water
Group 3
2000g bakers flour
For the wholemeal puff pastry rolled in (pie top)
Group 1
2000g wholemeal 90/10 flour
25g salt
1000ml water
Group 2
1000 G/ML1/2 Paste and 1500 G/M3/4 Paste EOI Perfex or EOI Pastrex
For the pie filling
700g sliced pastrami
420g swiss cheese
For the Russian sauce
Group 1
160g EOI sovereign
160g flour
1100ml warm milk
160g horseradish (jar)
90g fine diced onion
160g sriracha sauce
25g Worcestershire sauce
Group 2
700g sauerkraut (tin) drained
For the EOI wholemeal premium pie bottom pastry
Use the dough hook on low speed. Rub together Group 1 until EOI Vegetable Duo or EOI Duo is well distributed.
Add Group 2 and mix well to a clear dough
Add Group 3 and mix to a smooth dough
For the EOI wholemeal puff pastry rolled in (pie top)
The consistency of EOI Perfex or EOI Pastrex after working should be taken as a guide in making up the dough. It is important that EOI Perfex or EOI Pastrex and dough are the same consistency. After the dough had rested and recovered for a few minutes roll it out into a square shape about 45cm x 45cm x 2cm thick.
Place the EOI Perfex or EOI Pastrex in the centre and fold the edges over, so that EOI Perfex or EOI Pastrex is completely enclosed.
Press down and ensure that the EOI Perfex or EOI Pastrex is evenly distributed between the two dough layers. Now proceed to roll the dough to about 12mm thickness and about twice as long as broad, brush free from flour and give the first half-turn.
Immediately give the second half-turn and allow to rest until recovered. Then give two more half-turns and allow to rest for about 10-15 minutes. After a further two half-turns (making six in all) the pastry will need to rest for 10-15 minutes before rolling and cutting out.
Baking: 230°C
Freezing: Wholemeal Puff pastry – rolled in is suitable for freezing in a baked or unbaked condition.
Point of Importance: Adjust level of water in Group 1 depending on flour strength.
Rolled In: A wide variety of lines is obtained from this dough. Full puff paste is recommended where good bulk and light flaky lines are required.
Recipe uses either: EOI Perfex or EOI Pastrex
For the pie filling
Divide Group 1 Pie Filling ingredients over 28 pies. Place inside the pie casing with the following order: Sliced pastrami (approx. 25g per pie) and Swiss cheese (approx. 15g per pie).
For the Russian sauce
Melt the EOI Sovereign, add the flour and mix until combined, over heat.
Whisk in milk and whisk until combined, thickened and starting to boil.
Remove from heat and add remaining ingredients and combine.
Divide the sauce over 28 pies (approx. 15g per pie) by placing it on top of the Group 1 fillings.
Bake at 180ËšC for 25 minutes or until baked.
Divide Group 2 over 28 pies (approx. 15g per pie) place sauerkraut on top of the sauce, then top with pastry.
Tip: Whole pastry works well with this pie.
Traditionally a Reuben sandwich is served in rye bread.
Points of Importance: Once cooled, fill pie bottom pastry as normal and top with puff pastry, egg wash and then punch a vent hole in the top of the pie.
Baking: 180°C for 25 minutes
Make up Procedure: Line, fill and top pies in the normal manner.
Freezing: Meat pie filings are suitable for freezing in a baked or unbaked state and are completely freeze – thaw stable.
For more recipes and information, visit EOI