2023 Bake Skills finalists announced

Bake Skills Australia is back in 2023, taking place over the course of the four days of Fine Food Australia at the ICC Sydney (September 11–14). The competition pits apprentices against each other across the categories of pastry and baking, with five competitors taking part in each.

The competitors have been selected from a list of nominees and will receive professional coaching in the lead up to the competition in order to get them ready.

The Bake Skills competitors will take to the floor (September 11–12 for pastry; September 13–14 for baking) of Fine Food Australia to duke it out in front of attendees of the exhibition.

The winner of each competition receives a range of prizes, among which is a five-night trip to Munich, Germany, to attend iba 2023.

The finalists are:


  • Katie Tonkin—Flora Hill Bakehouse, Bendigo, Vic
  • Alison Wright—Sweet by Nature, Heidelberg, Vic
  • Andrew Shaw—Bakers Delight, Robina, Qld
  • Sky Golding—Decadence Cakes, Nowra, NSW
  • Carla Penza—Gumnut Patisserie, Mittagong, NSW



  • Connor Beisler—Dungog Barrington Bakery, Dungog, NSW
  • Lauren Robert—Coles, Beaudesert, Qld
  • Rebecca Tracey—CJ’s Bakery, Christie’s Beach, SA
  • Jackson Kiely—Coles, East Perth, WA
  • Georgia Brown—Woodend Sourdough, Woodend, Vic


Best of luck to everyone taking part!

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