World’s Largest Opera House Cake Construction Capt...

World’s Largest Opera House Cake Construction Captured On Video

Planet Cake TV released time-lapse stop motion video footage of construction of the world’s largest chocolate Opera House cake.

Twenty volunteers worked eight days to construct the 2500kg chocolate cake in time for a live television cutting on Australia Day.

The cake was made on three boards measuring 1.2 by 2.8 m, with a total board area over eight square metres and 1.8 m high at the highest sail. The cake cost more than $40,000 to make.

“It’s going to weigh the same amount as a Barina, or a small car, so this weight is going to affect everything. How am I going to deliver it?” Planet Cake owner, Paris Cutler said on the first day of construction.

The cake was designed with a 1/50 scale using drawings based on the original Sydney Opera House architect’s blueprint. It used more than 600 litres of ganache and 800 cakes.

“Planet Cake is like the Ferrari of cake decorators, you have to do it the same way we’ve always done it, which means exact,” Mrs Cutler said.

Despite issues with the weight and transportation, the cake was delivered in time to be cut on live television by Channel 7 Sunrise hosts ‘Mel and Kochie’.

Mrs Cutler said she was “blown away” by the final result.

“Honestly, I just think, ‘wow’, and we did it, just ordinary people coming together. And it’s the best thing I’ve ever seen, ever, in my whole career,” Mrs Cutler said on the final morning.

“So to stand in front of it today, I’ve just got a grin from ear-to-ear and I’ve just got this shiver of delight to think what they must be thinking now.”

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