Turkish Bakeries begins anew

loaves of freshly baked bread sitting on a cooling tray (Turkish Bakeries)

A Perth bakery that was devastated by a fire earlier this month has recently found new premises. More than that—they baked their first pizza bases there this week! Turkish Bakeries on Planet Street, Carlisle, is managed by Ceyda Genc and has been in Ceyda’s family for 25 years.

On March 10, a blaze started in the Turkish Bakeries factory on Planet Street in the early hours of the morning, which turned into a massive fire that impacted the city with its large amounts of smoke.

The factory, which supplied businesses across Western Australia and supermarkets around the country with artisanal baked goods, has been closed since the incident. Nothing was able to be saved from the wreckage.

However, this week, Turkish Bakeries is starting to pick itself back up after this devastating turn of events.

“We’ve all started working again at a new facility. Naturally everyone is so devastated, because there was a lot of work put into that business to take it to the next level.

“Unfortunately what happened… was really devastating to everybody,” Ceyda told ABC Radio Perth.

The factory employed hundreds of people, who were all devastated by what happened. But, Ceyda said, they’re happy to be back to work this week.

“I think it was an hour after the fire had broken out—everyone was devastated—and I went to three other factories that I knew were looking to move on, I took my production manager with me and went out, immediately looking for a facility to operate out of.

“We have taken over a facility to start. We’ve got out team there. We started producing our first pizza base [this week]… We’re back to square one, but we’re producing,” Ceyda said.

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