Strong Support For Tas Show

Tasmanian bakers turned out in force for the 2011 Tasmanian Baking Show.

Held 22 September at the Country Club Launceston, the event was organised by the Baking Associations of Australia (BAA) and saw a considerable increase in entries, with 47 bakeries exhibiting and 476 pieces of product judged.

More than 138 people gathered at the country club the following night for the annual awards night, again seeing a significant rise in numbers

Champion Loaf of the Show went to Ian Cunnliffe from Blue Edge Bakery, Bicheno. The Champion Cake and Pastry award went to JJs Bakery, Longford. The northern Tasmanian bakery also won Most Successful Bread and Cake exhibitor.

The champion sections included $1000 advertising vouchers from Southern Cross Television in Tasmania.

The inaugural Ian Freeburgh Perpetual Trophy went to Shaun Watson from Baker’s Delight Mowbray.

BAA Tasmania president, Scott Donaghy thanked everyone involved for their support, especially the sponsors.

“Things haven’t been great the last couple of years, but I believe we are turning the corner. The new people involved are keen to see things get back the way they used to be,” he said.

“If bakers want to get more involved or have an ideas for the association, please give BAA Tasmania or BAA a call.”

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