Pastry apprentice back-paid $7300

The Fair Work Ombudsman has recovered $7300 for a third-year pastry apprentice back-paid chef who contacted the agency seeking assistance, according to Hospitality Magazine.

The 20-year-old Pastry apprentice back chef worked approximately 50 hours per week and was paid an annual salary of $30,400, which equates to less than $12 per hour.

Under the Award at the time, the worker was entitled to receive hourly rates of $16.10 per hour for ordinary hours, and as much as $40.25 per hour for public holiday and overtime work.

The Fair Work Ombudsman contacted the business, providing it with information about workplace laws, and the business back-paid the employee, who was underpaid over an eight-month period.

Acting Fair Work Ombudsman Michael Campbell said for young workers, one of the defenses against being short-changed is an awareness of your rights and knowing you can turn to the ombudsman for free advice and assistance.

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