Elon Musk settles debt following pie fiasco

Elon Musk settles debt following pie fiasco

A California bakery that claimed Tesla didn’t pay an order that was worth thousands of dollars has announced the debt has been settled.

San Jose bakery The Giving Pies had received a last minute order for 4000 mini pies from Tesla on Valentine’s Day – reportedly worth $6000 to the small company. Then, Tesla doubled the order to 4000 pies, before cancelling totally without paying.

Giving Pies owner Voahangy Rasetarinera posted on Instagram that to be able to fulfil the order she had to turn down other Black History Month catering inquiries, purchase additional supplies and prepare her staff for a demanding production schedule.

“To me, it was clear that Tesla’s corporate culture priortised convenience over accountability, disregarding the livelihoods of small business owners like myself,” Voahangy said.

“This experience serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerability faced by small businesses when dealing with larger corporations. Despite our best efforts to uphold our commitments and provide quality service, we are often left at the mercy of decisions made in corporate boardrooms.”

However, jut days later Tesla settled the debt.

In an email to The Guardian Voahangy said, “Tesla just paid the $2k that I was out of” for supplies and orders she had to decline so as to be able to make the Tesla order. This came after Elon Musk responded to the story on X, formerly Twitter, and said “Just hearing about this. Will make things good with the bakery”.

Following extensive media coverage, the bakery has seen an influx of support. Hundreds of people reportedly lined up at the store to buy their pies.

Voahangy said she had been blown away by the support.

“As I reflect on this ordeal I am reminded of the resilience and determination that have propelled me forward as a black woman entrepreneur,” she wrote on Instagram.

“While Tesla’s actions may have caused temporary setbacks, they will not deter me from pursuing my passion and serving my community with integrity and pride.”


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