Boost For Food And Hospitality Students In Regiona...

Boost For Food And Hospitality Students In Regional Victoria

The Victorian Government will team up with leading institutes and industry partners to give students in regional areas easier access to TAFE education in the areas of hospitality, food and tourism.

The announcement came as the Victorian Minister for Higher Education and Skills Peter Hall pledged a $790,553 grant to support a $1.3 million project that will give 180 regional Victorians a head-start in the state’s already well-regarded food, tourism and hospitality industries.

Under the venture, William Angliss Institute will work with regional TAFEs in Mildura, Warnambool and the Latrobe Valley to deliver pathway programs such as advanced diplomas as well as bachelor degrees. Scholarships for regional students will also be offered.

Mr Hall said the partnership between William Angliss, SuniTAFE, GippsTAFE and South West TAFE provided more training options for people living across 25 rural and regional areas in Victoria.

“The fund aims to bridge the divide that exists between regional and metropolitan Victoria when it comes to participation and attainment in tertiary education and training,” he said.

“By creating partnerships between regional and metropolitan tertiary institutions, we are not just boosting training options in regional BOOSt FOR FOOd And hOSpitALity StudEntS in REgiOnAL VictORiAAround the country, bakeries, cafés and restaurants are jumping on board to help less fortunate members of their communities.The ‘suspended coffee’ trend enables a customer to pre-purchase a coffee, so someone in need can later receive the item at no cost.In New South Wales, Sugarloaf Patisserie, Michel’s Patisserie and Baker Caker Coffeemaker are taking part, with Red Door Bakery in South Australia, Master Cakes Bakehouse in Victoria, Chocs and Pops in Queensland and Croissant Express Carillon in Western Australia among the businesses on board.Manager of Brisbane café Espresso Train Kirsty Balmer started offering suspended coffee in May and said the initiative has become popular with the local community.“The customer base here in Nundah is what I term the ‘concerned consumer’; a lot are employed in social and community services in the area and I knew they would be empathetic to the suspended coffee movement,” Kirsty said.“People who come to claim the suspended coffee will often stand and have a conversation with customers at the counter and this has really opened the dialogue between people who are homeless, or down on their luck and people who are a bit more fortunate. This has been really interesting.”As well as assisting a diverse group of locals, which includes recovering drug addicts, single mothers, pensioners and people with learning disabilities, Kirsty said the initiative brings in additional business.“It’s a great idea, not only because we have a chance to give a little heartwarming gift to someone in need, but also it means people are buying an extra coffee, so from a business perspective, it helps push sales up,” she said. pAying it FORwARdin the mixVictoria; we are also increasing the number of regional Victorians entering tertiary education.”

William Angliss Institute currently delivers regional training through apprenticeships and traineeships across Australia. However, the new resources and delivery options will open these opportunities to all individuals, regardless of employment status.

William Angliss chief executive Nicholas Hunt said the project will help meet regional skill shortages.

“As the strength of regional Victoria’s tourism and hospitality offering continues to grow, we’re excited that this collaborative project will allow students from regional areas access to the education that will enable them to be a part of the growth of these industries in their own communities,” he said.

“For regional students, this means a flexibility in delivery which will make tourism and hospitality education a possibility for people who were previously limited due to distance.”

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