Strawberry & Vanilla Panna Cotta

Strawberry & Vanilla Panna Cotta

Strawberry & Vanilla Panna Cotta

This strawberry and vanilla wanna cotta recipe is from Mark Daniels



Serving Size

Makes 20 glasses




Vanilla Panna Cotta

15g gelatine sheet (Titanium)
60g cold water
600 cream (35% fat)
200 full cream milk
5 lemon juice
1 vanilla bean

Strawberry Jelly

20g gelatine sheet (Titanium)
80g cold water
500g strawberry puree (Ravifruit)
250 caster sugar

Vanilla Chantilly

375g cream (35% fat)
5g vanilla bean paste
60g icing sugar


Vanilla Panna Cotta

Soak gelatine in the water.
Heat cream, milk, lemon juice and scrapped vanilla bean to 60°C.
Add gelatine and water and stir until melted through.
Strain into a jug.

Strawberry Jelly

Soak gelatine in the water.
Heat strawberry puree and sugar to a low boil.
Add gelatine and water. Stir till melted through.
Strain in to a jug.

Vanilla Chantilly

Whisk all ingredients together.


Pour 20g of vanilla panna cotta into glass then set in fridge.
Once set, pour 15g of strawberry jelly. Set in fridge.
Repeat stage one and two.
Once set, place a layer of Strawberry Crisp Pearls on top.
Pipe on vanilla chantilly then top with fresh strawberries.

Recipe by Mark Daniels

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