Roast Hazelnut Chocolate Tart


250g Carême Dark Chocolate Pastry
300g Callebaut Gianduja chocolate*
500ml cream
80g unsalted butter
180ml cream
Pinch cinnamon and nutmeg
1.5 teaspoon icing sugar
200g chopped and roasted hazelnuts
150g grated dark couverture chocolate


1 Prepare and blind bake a 22cm dark chocolate pastry tart shell according to packet instructions.

2 Cut the Gianduja chocolate into small pieces and place in a mixing bowl.

3 Place the cream in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Remove from heat and pour over chocolate, add butter and whisk to combine. Transfer mixture to a jug for ease of pouring.

4 Place pre-baked tart shell on a baking sheet, now take it to the fridge and rest ¼ of the baking sheet on a rack in your fridge, carefully pour chocolate mixture into tart, filling to just below rim. Gently slide the baking sheet into the refrigerator, leave the tart to set for at least one hour.

5 For the cream topping combine 180ml cream, cinnamon, nutmeg and icing sugar, whip to a soft peak. Top the cooled tart with the cream and garnish with roast hazelnuts and grated chocolate

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