‘Little Free Bakery’ generates neighbourly goodwil...

‘Little Free Bakery’ generates neighbourly goodwill

You’ve heard of the little free library movement, now get ready for the little free bakery.

One US woman is generating buckets full of neighbourly goodwill by baking made-from-scratch goodies that she gives away for free from her home in Magnolia, Seattle, every Tuesday.

Lanne Rosebrook Stauffer runs a shoe shop with her husband six days a week, using her one day off to bake pies and muffins—and is considering expanding this to weekends too.

Announcing her bakery drops via her Instagram account, @littlefreebakerysea, Lanne leaves the goods in a wooden cupboard outside, with a hand-lettered chalkboard showing the day’s specials.

“People really love it. People are just very surprised and filled with happiness or joy or gratefulness to be able to come and get a pie,” Stauffer told The Seattle Times.

“All positive feedback, and that’s what we need. This pandemic has been long, and we’re heading into winter, we just need some joy. I don’t mean to sound corny, but that’s how I feel.

“Feeding people would be my love language. This is my joy, to be able to bake on Tuesdays and do something small and creative.”

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