Lemon Tarts with Raspberry Marshmallow

Lemon Tarts with Raspberry Marshmallow

We all love a good lemon tart and it’s certainly one of my all-time favourite desserts—and I like mine on the tangy side. Of all the sweets I make, this one regularly attracts the most attention. People really seem to have a deep affection for it. This is a fairly simple recipe as it involves pouring a curd into a tart case to set, rather than baking custard in the oven. The raspberry jellies are a gelatine and agar agar set and are easy to make and handle. Make extras and store them in the freezer for a quick raspberry burst on any dessert. I think you will enjoy making and serving these for a long time to come and hopefully I have the tang level just as you like it.

Serving Size

Makes 16 pieces



Cook Time

20 Minutes*

* does not include resting time


Lemon Sweet Tart Cases

280g plain flour
90g icing sugar
pinch of salt
finely grated zest of ½ lemon
135g cold unsalted butter, diced
1 egg
1 egg yolk
150g melted white chocolate as needed

Raspberry Jellies

200ml raspberry puree
50ml sugar syrup
¼ teaspoon agar agar
3 gold-strength gelatine leaves, soaked and drained


12 fresh raspberries, halved

Lemon Curd

8 eggs
juice and finely grated zest of 6 lemons
260g unsalted butter, softened
400g caster sugar
4 gold-strength gelatine leaves, soaked and drained

Raspberry Marshmallow

4 egg whites
400g caster sugar
1 tablespoon liquid glucose
10 gold-strength gelatine leaves, soaked and drained
3 teaspoons freeze-dried raspberry powder


Lemon Sweet Tart Cases

Place the flour, icing sugar, salt, lemon zest and butter in a freestanding electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment.

Mix on low until you have a fine sandy texture.

Add the egg and egg yolk and mix again until the dough starts to come together.

Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and knead it briefly with your hands to bring it together.

Form a square shape with the dough and flatten it on a large piece of plastic wrap. Cover the dough completely with the plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator to chill and rest for 45 minutes.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll it out on a lightly floured work surface to a thickness of 2 mm.

Transfer the dough onto a couple of sheets of baking paper, place them on a baking tray and rest them in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 170°C. Place twelve 8 x 2.5 cm round tartlet moulds or rings on a baking tray (or two) lined with baking paper.

Remove the pastry from the refrigerator and, using an 8 cm round pastry cutter, cut 12 discs from the two sheets of pastry.

Line the tartlet moulds with the pastry discs.

Place the tarts in the refrigerator to rest for 20 minutes.

Remove the tarts from the refrigerator and trim any excess pastry from the rims.

Blind bake the tarts for 20 minutes or until cooked.

Remove the baking beans and return the tarts to the oven for 2 minutes to dry out.

Remove the tarts from the oven and leave them to cool in the moulds.

Turn out the tart shells and brush the insides liberally with the melted white chocolate. Reserve until needed.

Lemon Curd

Place all the ingredients, except the gelatine, in a bowl and whisk well to combine.

Place the bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and whisk the mixture constantly. Continue to cook—being careful of the steam, which can burn—and check your water does not run dry in the pan (top up the water if needed). Heat the curd until it reaches a temperature of 82°C.

Prepare a large bowl of iced water.

Remove the bowl from the saucepan on the heat and add the gelatine, stirring well until it has dissolved. Strain the curd into another bowl, then set this bowl in the larger bowl of iced water to cool the curd down quickly.

Stir the mixture occasionally over the ice to cool the curd to a temperature of 40°C. Pour the curd into the prepared tart cases and tap the tarts to level them flat.

Place the tarts in the refrigerator to finish cooling and set. This will take around 30 minutes.

TIP: The curd can also be cooked in the microwave by placing all the ingredients, except the gelatine, in a microwave-safe bowl. Mix well and cook for 20 seconds on High (100%) then stir vigorously.

Repeat these steps until the curd is starting to bubble and is smooth and shiny. Remove from the microwave and add the soaked gelatine.

Mix well again, then proceed with the method as above.

Raspberry Marshmallow

Place the egg whites in a freestanding electric mixer and start to whisk them slowly on low speed.

Place 150ml water, the caster sugar and glucose in a small saucepan over medium heat. Stir gently to dissolve the sugar and bring the syrup to the boil.

Once the syrup has come to the boil, turn the electric mixer with the egg whites to medium speed.

Cook the syrup until it reaches a temperature of 125°C, using a digital or sugar thermometer for accuracy. Then slowly trickle the syrup in a constant stream down the side of the bowl into the whisking egg whites, ensuring it doesn’t touch the whisk.

Melt the gelatine in the still-hot saucepan and add it to the bowl.

Whisk well until the mixture starts to cool and thicken, then add the freeze-dried raspberry powder.

Transfer the mixture to a piping bag fitted with a small plain nozzle.

TIP: Any left-over marshmallow can be piped into bulbs on a lightly greased baking tray for use as a garnish or extra component for any number of other desserts. They will last up to one week.


Remove the tarts filled with the curd from the refrigerator and place a couple of raspberry jellies on each tart.

Pipe about three small bulbs of marshmallow onto each tart, garnish with the halved fresh raspberries and serve.

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