Kids Make Sugary Mess At Sydney Cupcakery

Kids Make Sugary Mess At Sydney Cupcakery

Sparkle Cupcakery held Halloween food workshops for children in September and October as part of the Crave Sydney International Food Festival.

Children learnt baking tips and tricks while making Vampire Raspberry/Red Velvet cupcakes under the guidance of a professional Sparkle chef.

“Halloween is one of the most loved holidays for kids. What better way than to spend it at Sparkle Cupcakery creating spooky cupcakes, decorated with their own imaginative Halloween ideas?” a Sparkle spokesperson said.

The classes allowed kids to let their “creative spirits run wild” as they experimented with decorated their treats.

Each class ran for two hours with aprons and refreshments included. Every child returned home with their own box of self-made Sparkle special spooky cakes.

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