Food production in Australia

A harvester harvest wheat on a farm (food security)

With issues plaguing the supply chain across the spectrum of food production, the security of food has been significantly reducing over the past few years.

It’s costing farmers and producers more than ever to provide food, and this cost is being passed on to consumers on all ends of the commercial spectrum.

The Federal Government’s Agriculture Committee (Committee) recently began an inquiry into food security in Australia to find out what there is to be done about these issues.

“While Australia was one of the most food-secure nations in the world, recent events such as the pandemic and widespread floods have shown that we cannot take anything for granted,” said the chair of the Committee, Meryl Swanson.

She continued, “Input shortages and disruptions to the global supply chains that Australian producers depend on are likely to have a significant impact on the productivity and profitability of the sector.”

The Committee is now taking submissions from interested stakeholders as to how food security in Australia can be safeguarded and strengthened.

In addition to reviewing submissions, the Committee will conduct its own examinations, focussing on local food production and the impact of supply chain distribution on the cost and availability of food.

Another area of interest to the Committee is the impact of climate change on food production in Australia.

“While climate change poses a continual risk to farmers, the Committee is keen to see how agricultural producers are adapting and innovating in response to these climate challenges,” said Meryl.

The Committee will be taking submissions from interested parties until 9 December.

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