Aussie making desserts in famous department store

Aussie making desserts in famous department store

An Aussie pastry chef is turning heads with his vegan desserts in London’s opulent and world-famous department store, Harrods.

Philip Khoury, who hails from western Sydney, has been with Harrods since 2018, and was promoted to head pastry chef last year. Now, he’s leading the way in the plant-based desserts industry and showing the world that vegan food shouldn’t be overlooked.

The 31-year-old told The Sydney Morning Herald, “There’s a negative bias around vegan desserts that they are less than or inferior to their traditional counterparts and I think to a certain extent this is to be expected.

“It is unfortunate, but it is such a new area and the knowledge and techniques are so new. Where we have had eggs and dairy in pastry for as long as pastry has existed, we’ve never had to question their presence in our food or if there was another way to achieve beautiful desserts without them.”

Mr Khoury’s desserts have appeared on British television and received rave reviews, and a cookbook is in the works for next year.

Before Harrods, he worked at Peter Gilmore’s Quay Restaurant and Shangri La Sydney with award-winning pastry chef Anna Polyviou before ending up as head of research and development with acclaimed patissier Adriano Zumbo.

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