And the winner is…

The LA Judge Award was announced in May, with the winner taking home a ticket to visit the Puratos headquarters in Belguim, on top of the bragging rights that go with winning this prestigious award.

The winner of this year’s LA Judge Award goes to… Conor McNaught! The competition, which is in its 50th year, celebrates apprentice bakers under 23 years of age, and tests competitors in all aspects of baking including baking skills, technical knowledge and presentation abilities.

In an AEGIC report, AEGIC bakery leader Daniel Li says, “Conor is not only an extremely competent baker, but throughout the competition he has demonstrated excellent bread knowledge and maturity. There is no doubt that he will become a valuable asset to the Australian baking industry.”

Conor works at Creative Crusts under artisan baker and highly awarded owner Brett Noy.

As part of Conor’s prize, he received an all-expenses-paid five-day trip to Belgium to visit baking and ingredients company Puratos. There, Conor will take part in bakery demonstrations and tour the famous Puratos Sourdough Library, which holds a unique collection of natural ferments from all over the world (they’ve collected more than 700 strains of wild yeast so far).

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