Black Sesame Chocolate Cake

Adored by the Chinese for its many health-promoting and anti-ageing benefits, black sesame is one of the most popular Asian dessert flavours. Try this unique black sesame chocolate cake for a twist on a traditional favourite.

Serving Size

Serves 8-10



Cook Time

35-40 Minutes


200g black sesame seeds
200g butter, chopped
3 eggs, lightly beaten
185g coconut sugar
100g almond meal
35g gluten-free plain flour
1 teaspoon gluten-free baking powder
Chocolate ganache
200g dark chocolate, chopped
100ml pure cream


Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease and line a 20cm square cake tin.

Put the sesame seeds into a mortar and pestle or spice mill and grind to a smooth paste.

Put the butter and sesame paste into a saucepan and cook over low heat until the butter melts. Remove from the heat and stir in the eggs and sugar.

Combine the almond meal, flour and baking powder in a bowl, then sift over the egg mixture and gently fold to combine. Pour into the prepared tin and bake for 35-40 minutes, or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. Allow the Black Sesame Chocolate Cake o stand in the tin for 10 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack to cool completely.

To make the chocolate ganache, combine the chocolate and cream in a saucepan over low heat and cook, stirring occasionally, until the chocolate melts. Remove and allow to cool for 15 minutes, or until thickened.

Spread the chocolate ganache over the cake and allow to set. Cut into small pieces to serve.

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