UK research into ‘healthy’ white bread launched...

UK research into ‘healthy’ white bread launched

Aberystwyth University and organic miller, Shipton Mills, have partnered on a research project to find a way to make ‘healthier’ white bread loaves available across the UK. The Welsh University research team will study the milling and blending process of the flower in the hopes to enhance nutritional value with the same flavour and attributes traditional white bread presents.

The initiative is funded by the UK’s Better Food For All Initiative which could see UK sourced beans, oats and peas added to traditional wheat flower to boost nutritional value. Head of product development at Shipton Mill, Chris Holister, commented on the study when speaking to British Baker.

“This project builds on our belief that variety and nature-friendliness is the way to measure the success of a crop, not speed and growth,” Chris said.

“In milling, our craft is to provide bakers with excellent and reliable results that work with nature and what the climate and seasonality can offer. We hope this work can help make for a healthier and happier diet for very many people.”

Dr Catherine Howarth from Aberystwyth University’s Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences said that the research was an “exciting opportunity”.

“The project underlines how our leading plant research here in Wales can make a difference in people’s lives,” Dr Howarth said to British Baker.

“We hope this will be another chance to put our work, especially on beans, peas and oats, to very good use.”

It is one of many projects that have been bolstered by Innovate UK’s funding to improve food quality, boost nutrition, create functional foods and extend the shelf life of fresh and healthy foods.

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