Tip Top’s Golden releases cinnamon donut-fla...

Tip Top’s Golden releases cinnamon donut-flavoured bread

Good on ya! Tip Top‘s brand Golden has caused shoppers and social media users to short circuit with the release of a cinnamon donut-flavoured bread loaf.

Made with “cinnamon bursts”, the Golden Cinnamon Donut Loaf is described on the Woolworths website as “soft in a middle but also crunchy on the outside when toasted. Each slice is slightly sweetened and made with delicious bursts of Cinnamon flavour. Toast a slice and it will fill your house with an irresistible aroma of freshly baked cinnamon donuts… or eat it straight from the pack…. Just as yummy!”

If you head to Woolies’ website, you’ll also see the item is marked as temporarily unavailable, no doubt due to the storm of publicity the novel product has elicited, with Pedestrian calling it “fkn genius”.

On Facebook, commenters are excited to try it, one saying “inject it into my veins”, while reviews from those who managed to get their hands on a loaf are mixed.

Under a post from Today, one commenter said he rated it, but it’s “better with Nutella”, while another cut straight to the chase.

“Tastes like nothing. Very underwhelmed. Has barely any cinnamon on it, and is slightly doughy, but that’s it. 2/10,” they wrote.

Other thrifty shoppers said that for $5 a loaf, it “can stay on the shelf”.

“For $4, you can buy 24 doughnuts when they’re on special,” wrote one person who likes bang for their buck.

It seems the consensus is that many people are keen to give the novelty item a try, but they also accept that it’s likely not much different to making regular cinnamon toast.

Golden’s Cinnamon Donut Loaf is available at all major retailers.

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  1. mary

    30 June

    well today i bought this loaf thinking it would be great but it had very little flavour.i don’t think i would buy it again

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