Processing and packaging industry banding together

Processing and packaging industry banding together

AUSPACK, Australia’s main event for the processing and packaging industry has joined ‘The Network’, an international network federating several processing and packaging trade shows.

With the processing and packaging industry alone boasting 300 trade shows around the world, AUSPACK will cross-promote The Network, encouraging the sharing of experience among major international events.

Luke Kasprzak, exhibition director of AUSPACK and the Industrial Division at Exhibitions and Trade Fairs, comments, “With buyers present all around the world and requirements varying by individual market, international trade shows are showcases for trends and needs on a local level and represent an extremely valuable source of information for trade professionals and manufacturers.”

“To capitalize on this and promote the internationalization of the sector, AUSPACK has decided to join the Network to expand its international reach and encourage the sharing of information and experiences. AUSPACK is already working closely with leading industry shows including Pack Expo trade shows and Pro Pack events.”

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