When architecture and pastrys collide

When architecture and pastrys collide

When architecture and pastrys collide

Ukrainian architect-turned-pastry chef Dinara Kasko is responsible for edible works of art that look like sculptures. She uses her own 3D moulds to create geometric shapes and teams them with bold colours.

“I like black colour,” she said, “as well as red and white. I like sharp, straight lines.”

Starting out her career as an architect, Dinara soon turned her skills towards the patisserie.

“It just became more interesting to me at some point.”

Recently, Dinara created an algorithmic modelling cake to present Ruby chocolate in Shanghai. She used a graphical alogorithm editor to build 81 individual cakes that formed a single composition when placed together.

Check out her creations on Instagram @DinaraKasko.

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