A new report has shown the impact of the cocoa crisis still lies ahead of us. Soaring Cocoa prices: The worst is yet to come report, undertaken...
Food scientists in Switzerland have discovered a method of using the entire cocoa fruit to make chocolate, instead of exclusively using the beans. With the current process...
As the price of raw cocoa climbs to a record high, questions are starting to be raised about how this could affect the price of chocolate. Earlier...
There’s nothing like sinking your teeth into a Queensland-grown mango or pineapple, but soon you could be savouring more of the velvety goodness of home-grown chocolate. Minister...
For the first time in Australia, a craft chocolate class has been created with a professional focus in mind, by using large-scale artisan machinery from start to...
Goodness, gracious, Ghana! Cocoa is the essential ingredient in chocolate and transforming cocoa beans into chocolate is an arduous process. I run a chocolate and patisserie school,...
As the world cocoa market shifts from a deficit to a surplus, the chocolate prices could fall according to the International Cocoa Organisation, reported by The Sydney...
Callebaut, ‘The Original Belgian Chocolate’, in conjunction with Australian importer F. Mayer Imports P/L is offering customers a chance to be part of a five-day Cocoa tour...
Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) has announced the Fairtrade certification of Club 3000, a group of 629 cocoa farmers in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. These...
Having returned from West Africa to see cocoa in its natural environment, Australian Baking Business looks into the history and production of the coveted food and discusses...