Qld Excellence in Baking state round results

Qld Excellence in Baking state round results

Nick Sullivan from Creative Crust Bakery claimed the Queensland Excellence in Baking state round. He's pictures standing behind a table full of bread.

The results are in for the Queensland Excellence in Baking state round.

Held at Queensland TAFE Southbank campus, four of the state’s top apprentices battled it out under the watchful eyes of mentors Imogen Fearon, Aiden Bradley and Lauren Robin. Janet Blythman from the ASB and BAA and James Stone from Vanrooy Machinery were also on hand.

After a full day of work, Nick Sullivan from Creative Crust Bakery was named as the winner.

Baking Association of Australia executive officer Tony Smith said the judges were really happy with each of the apprentices in the who competed.

“The standard again was very good, and the judges were very happy,” he said.

“And, of course, the mentors who have done this competition before were there to help each of the apprentices as they came through. It was great.”

Tony said the competition was close the entire way through, however, Nick claimed the trophy after the judges tasted his final products.

“That’s what pulled him over the line at the end of the day,” Tony said.

The Excellence in Baking competition will now move to Victoria for the final round.

Set to take place at GO TAFE Shepparton, the Excellence in Baking  bread round is scheduled for February 17, and the pastry component will be held on February 18.

Nick will now travel to Sydney to take part in the grand final bake off, which will be held at the Baking Industry Trade Show.

As part of the grand prize the 2025 National Excellence in Baking award winners will travel to New Zealand to take part in the ANZBake competition.

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