The BAA TAS conducted its annual baking show for 2012 on July 5-6 at the Country Club Launceston and, as expected, the Apple Isle supported the show in strong numbers.
According to BAA’s Tony Smith, the Tasmanian Baking Show committee was thrilled with the entries and as usual the competition categories were changed in some areas to test contestants’ skills.
This year the show committee renamed the Champion Loaf of the Show to the David Cripps Memorial Trophy in honour of David Cripps, who was well known within the industry.
The BAA TAS invited his wife, Jan Cripps, and son, Leigh, to attend as guests of honour and present the inaugural trophy.
With 50 classes to enter, the competition was very strong. The awards night saw more than 100 industry participants attend the wonderful event.
Top honours were taken by Lance Radford from Tempt Bakery Cafe, Murray Partridge of Cottage Bakery Scotsdale and Shaun Watson of Bakers Delight Mowbray. Further results can be viewed on the website