The vanilla flavour your customers love without th...

The vanilla flavour your customers love without the cost

The AFIS 70.832 Vanilla Flavour is the most popular of Australian Food Ingredient Suppliers’ (AFIS) extensive range of over 20 varieties of vanilla. It affords bakery businesses an incredibly cost-effective way to add a delicious vanilla flavour to their baked goods, as well as enhancing other flavours such as chocolate.

AFIS 70.832 Vanilla Flavour can be used as both a flavour and fragrance ingredient and is available in 1L, 5L and 25L tamper-evident polyethylene containers. With a non-refrigerated shelf life of 12 months, AFIS 70.832 Vanilla Flavour is incredibly stable and easy to use.

AFIS manufactures all of its vanilla flavours right here in Australia and is a family business that has been designing, manufacturing and supplying high quality food ingredients to the Australian food industry for nearly 40 years.

Contact AFIS for a sample and more information.

Click here to upload your own recipe


  1. Nancy

    30 October

    As a small bakery I would like more information Please.

    • Kelly James

      1 November

      Hi Nancy, we have passed your enquiry on to get the information you’re after 🙂

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