The Outback Kneads More Cafés

The Outback Kneads More Cafés

The Northern Territory and Federal Governments are investing $7.35 million to establish 21 bakery-café businesses in remote communities.

The investment will provide greater choice and access to quality fresh food for those living in regional communities, and create jobs in high-unemployment areas.

Businesses granted tender must provide certificate training to a minimum of 12 local community members in courses such as Certificate I in Food Processing and Certificate II in Retail Baking.

There are already three bakery-cafés operating under the scheme in Hermannsburg, Papunya and Yuendumu, and three in planning stages in Beswick, Ngukurr and Timber Creek.

Manager of the Finke River Mission Store in Hermannsburg Selwyn Kloeden said the bakery-café has received a very positive response within the community and from tourists.

“We currently employ 14 staff in the store, approximately 50 per cent of whom are local indigenous workers, with several working in the bakery,” he said, adding he was about to start accredited food handling training with a dozen locals, giving them skills to enter the workforce.”

With the help of their supplier, Selwyn said his team is sourcing more products with lower fat, lower salt and lower sugar ingredients. He’s also using less frozen products in the bakery.

To ensure the businesses are sustainable, funding includes 12 months of product and business support, after which all equipment will be transferred to the store owner.

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