While the trend of COVID sourdough bakers and wholesellers finding so much success they haven’t been able to return to their everyday lives post-pandemic is a relatively...
Cake decorators are taking over social media platforms with retro cakes decorated with countless rows of pastel frosting, fit for a royal banquet or wedding party...
Incredibly soft layers of honey cake made with local honey and sandwiched together with a beautiful light caramel cream. ...
Baking Business is honoured to have cake queen Monica show us the secret to creating her iconic wafer roses. ...
What are the most popular cake designs and which ones are on the rise? This report reveals the most Instagrammed cake style....
A baker's horrifyingly realistic cake, depicting a man in a hospital bed with his limbs chopped up, has shocked the internet. ...
AFIS' neutral piping jelly is an incredibly useful product for the cake decorator, being clear and with a sweet yet neutral flavour....