Melbourne gets crumpets-to-door in time for iso wi...

Melbourne gets crumpets-to-door in time for iso winter

With the weather starting to turn bitter, Melbournians will be almost glad they have to stay home. And fortunately they can now also get their crumpets delivered right to their doors in time for iso winter.

Making those frosty mornings that little bit more pleasant is Melbourne’s dedicated crumpet cafe, Holy Crumpets, now delivering its famous baked-to-order sourdough crumpets across the city.

Crumpet condiments are also available for delivery including Gippsland Jersey butter; Hill Top Hives honey and raspberry and rhubarb-raspberry jams produced by Di’s Rhubarb at the Tahbilk winery in Nagambie.

The cafe’s city store in Little La Trobe Street is on pause for now, but the delicious morsels are still being baked (a process that takes 24 hours) at Holy Crumpet’s Carlton North headquarters.

They are made using stoneground flour from local farmers in Australia, and fermented using naturally occurring lactobacilli and yeast. Currently, they deliver within a 15km radius of Carlton North between 9:00am and 3:00pm a few times a week, and once weekly also travel to Warragul. More information and ordering can be found on their website.

Once they arrive (via contactless delivery), all you need to do is toast them (or fry them up in some butter!) and spread with your topping of choice.

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