Hospitality Industry In Fair Work Crackdown

Hospitality Industry In Fair Work Crackdown

The federal workplace watchdog has announced it will conduct a national crackdown on the hospitality industry, targeting more than 3000 businesses.

A national education and compliance program by the Fair Work Ombudsman has been launched ahead of an audit of operators planned for early 2013. The audit will involve the Fair Work Ombudsman contacting accommodation providers, pubs, taverns and bars throughout Australia and ask them to supply employment records for inspection.

The audit is the first stage of a wider three-year campaign targeting the greater hospitality industry, including cafés, restaurants and caterers, as well as take-away food operators in 2014.

Employers have slammed the planned audit, which is the second in five-years, saying small businesses are already struggling from enduring the extra costs associated with the shift to Labor’s modern award system.

Fair Work inspectors will check employers in every state and territory are paying workers correct minimum rates of pay, penalty rates, loadings and allowances and are complying with their record-keeping and pay slip obligations, according to The Australian.

Employers or employees seeking assistance can contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94 or visit the Fair Work Ombudsman website.

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