Chocolate muffin steals the show at Olympics

Chocolate muffin steals the show at Olympics

A chocolate muffin sits against a white background

As the 2024 Paris Olympics wrap up, it’s an American-style chocolate muffin that has become the surprise star of the show.

The baked good gained cult status on social media after going viral after Norwegian swimmer Henrik Christiansen posted a series of videos featuring the “choccy muffin”.

The swimmer – dubbed the “muffin man” – gave the muffin a rating of 11/10, and accumulated millions of views on TikTok in the process.

“It’s been an unreal time,” he told The Associated Press.

“I never imagined it to become this big, but it’s fun.”

Henrik said he ate at least seven or eight muffins during his two-and-a-half week stay at the Olympic Village, but noted he thought people may be disappointed at the figure.

“It’s not really that much. I think people will be disappointed when they learn it’s not five a day,” he said.

A number of athletes joined Henrik in reviewing the muffin on their social media channels, with American track and field competitor Gabrielle Thomas even sneaking one out of the Olympic Village for her mother to try. However Australian boxer Tina Rahimi was one of the few people who didn’t think it lived up to the hype – rating it a 6/10.

Sodexo Live!, the company feeding the athletes in the Olympic Village told People magazine it was anticipated 100,000 chocolate muffins would be served throughout the Olympics and Paralympics, with about 2000 eaten daily.

A number of bakeries have attempted to recreate the popular muffin following the social media storm, as Sodexo Live! haven’t shared the recipe and it doesn’t appear like they will any time soon.

Click here to upload your own recipe


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