Celebrating Aussie food culture this January

Celebrating Aussie food culture this January

From the traditional to the more creative options, bakers are celebrating Aussie food culture this January ahead of Tuesday’s public holiday.

Like all other nations, Australia has a distinct and specific range of foods that punctuate our daily lives. Ahead of the public holiday on January 26, bakers have been proudly displaying their creations, from traditional lamingtons to more creative pie and sweet fillings which show that everyone has a different idea of what it means to be Australian.

Here are just a few of the glorious products to grace our social media feeds in the past few days:

Iced VoVo Eclairs and Tim Tam Cheesecake

Flour & Chocolate in Brisbane are celebrating the preferred supermarket aisle of Aussies – the biscuit aisle – with these Tim Tam Cheesecakes and Iced VoVo eclairs!

Sausage Sizzle Pies

Celebrating the love affair Australians have with getting some hardware and a sausage on the weekend, Pinjarra Bakery are feeding the Aussie soul with a (frankly incredible looking) sausage sizzle pie.


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Lamington Doughnuts

Don’t worry about choosing between a doughnut and a lamington, because Rustic Bakehouse has you covered with this epic merger!


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Anzac biscuit sandwich

Anzac biscuits have a long history and are definitely a sentimental bakery item in Australia. Luscious Kiki Cakes has created a caramel Anzac biscuit sandwich to give this classic a little extra zing.


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Aussie lamington flavours

Noble Foods have reinvented the lamington by creating a range of really Aussie flavours including Milo Crush, Neopolitan and Golden Gaytime.

Lamington Ice Cream Sandwich

Burch & Purchese are purveyors of all things sweet, and Darren Purchese is cooling down Melburnians this hot week with laminton ice cream sandwiches.

Vegemite Lamingtons

This sounds like a rather bold combination, but don’t knock it ’til you try it! Snow White Bakery in Melbourne say the vegemite gives these lamingtons a “salted dark chocolate flavour”.

Lamington Cake

If you’ve ever devoured an entire package of lamingtons, this one is for you – The Bread Social’s made-to-order full-sized lamington cakes! Either share, or don’t.


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Lamington Cruffins

Noticing a theme here? These Lamington cruffins from The Milawa Kitchen are a triple threat lamington-croissant-muffin.

Vanilla Sable Iced VoVo

The King Street Bakery’s take on the Iced VoVo is very luxe:

Iced VoVo Cruffin

The team at Paddock Bakery have outdone themselves with this incredible creation!


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Mini Pavlovas

In case you didn’t ingest enough meringue goodness over the silly season, French Patisserie Salt have mini pavlovas up for grabs.

XXXX Gold Cruffins

Sorry, what? We said the Sausage Sizzle Pie was the most Aussie thing ever, but Fuel Bakehouse might have pipped them at the post with a XXXX Gold – yes, the beer – cruffin. Filled with mango coulis, these don’t actually contain beer. QUEENSLAND.


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