The new MasterChef spin-off series, Dessert Masters, has been making headlines since it was announced late last year. Now, with filming officially underway for the baking competition...
In the lead up to the start of its MasterChef spinoff show, MasterChef: Dessert Masters, later this year, Paramount has announced the names of the judges: Melissa...
Paramount, the broadcaster of MasterChef Australia and owner of 10 Australia, has recently announced that the Aussie favourite will soon be getting its very own spinoff show....
A MasterChef star's bakery collab with The Bread & Butter Project to launch a ‘bánh mì danish’—has managed to sell out in just seven minutes!...
MasterChef fan fave Reece Hignell has announced he will open a cake store early next year in honour of his beloved late Nan....
The Doughnuts: Donut stop believin’ trend in Australia has gone insane. Threaded onto ‘FreakShake’ straws, decorated to resemble poké balls and stuffed with syrup-filled syringes, the public...
Having risen to national fame with his croquembouche and V8 cake challenges on dessert series MasterChef, Sydney patissier Adriano Zumbo is looking forward to a new challenge:...
Are pastry chefs Australia’s new rock stars? Patisse executive pastry chef and television celebrity, Vincent Gadan talks to Australian Baking Business about enjoying broadcast success while staying...
Sydney sourdough bakery, Sonoma Baking Company celebrates 10 years of delivering quality sourdough bread. In 2011, Andrew Connole and the team at Sydney’s Sonoma Bakery Company celebrate...