Employees can be asked to work “reasonable additional hours” under some circumstances. What are they exactly?...
The courts have been called upon to rule about whether a person is a volunteer or employee on a number of occasions. ...
Former franchisees have hit owner Retail Food Group with a multimillion-dollar class action, saying they were left financially ruined....
Wage theft is the deliberate and dishonest underpayment of employees, including superannuation and other employee entitlements. ...
A British bakery has been ordered to stop using 'illegal sprinkles' following a complaint, in a very public saga dubbed 'sprinklegate'. ...
A pastry shop and bakery in Perth has been ordered to pay over $9000 to an employee found to have been unfairly dismissed....
Ensuring staff are paid correctly is an important issue that deserves regular reflection. If you don't pay staff properly, it could cost....
A court has delivered a timely reminder to take care of the day to day health and safety risks that employees and employers face....
Victoria’s new workplace manslaughter Bill addresses workplace manslaughter and other matters, and has important information for all employers to know....