In a move that has generated a lot of discussion, the Victorian government is trialling paid sick leave for casual workers. ...
The federal government has extended its wage subsidy scheme for apprentices and trainees for another year, with the view of creating 70,000 new positions....
Employing people with disability is good for business and the community. To access this broad range of talent, employers aren’t in it alone....
The pandemic has had an extreme impact on the job market. However, a new report shows that job ads are on the increase, in encouraging news for...
What happens when your workers don’t come back when they are due? How long do you have to wait before assuming they are not coming back? And then what...
The Fair Work Commission has upheld the unfair dismissal of a warehouse worker who repeatedly breached his employer’s policies on smoking, eating and drinking in the workplace....
after several findings of breaches by the Federal Magistrate’s Court of the National employment Standards (NES), it is timely to recap on the NES to make sure...
Abandonment of employment usually arises in circumstances where an employee is absent from work, without a reasonable excuse, for an unreasonable period of time without having communicated...
Baking industry participants are now subject to different competition and consumer laws. The laws, the second tranche in an overhaul of consumer affairs regulations in Australia, commenced...