Michel’s Patisserie wrongly accused in hotspot blu...

Michel’s Patisserie wrongly accused in hotspot blunder

Coffee chain Michel’s Patisserie was wrongly accused of being a COVID-19 hotspot venue by NSW Health, momentarily letting a high-end venue off the hook in the blunder.

The department actually meant to name Michael’s Charcuterie, a gourmet meat and sandwich shop in Double Bay, on the list of close contacts on its website, but instead published ‘Michel’s Patisserie’, a well-known chain in the error on June 24.

The close contact list is for people who need to test immediately and self-isolate for 14 days regardless of the results, if they have attended a venue listed.

As soon as officials became aware of the mix up, they Tweeted a correction, but not before locals caught on, many Tweeting joking responses about the “very Eastern suburbs development” like, “guy who spent the day at Michelle’s Boulangerie still nervously refreshing the page”.

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