Four recipes to celebrate National Mushroom Day

Four recipes to celebrate National Mushroom Day

Didn’t know mushrooms have their own day? Well, you do now, and to help you celebrate National Mushroom Day (started by the Australian Mushroom Growers Association), we’ve revisited a few delicious mushroom-based recipes from the archives (admittedly, there’s a lot of pie here, but we’re not pie-averse people).

First though, let’s chat about why mushrooms are deserving of their own day, and why we need them more than ever after/during lockdown.

Mushrooms actually produce vitamin D when they’re exposed to sunlight, which is excellent news for Aussies who have been cooped up for months with little sun exposure.

Nutrition Research Australia says that by simply putting just three cup or five button mushrooms out in the sun for 10-15 minutes, they can produce more than 100 per cent of your vitamin D needs—the highest amount of any food we eat.

You can also store your supercharged mushrooms in the fridge, because the vitamin D will stay put for up to eight days.

Of course, mushrooms are also delicious and easy to prepare. With their meaty texture and ability to absorb flavour from foods they’re cooked with and being a low calorie source of fibre, protein, and antioxidants, they make an excellent choice for vegetarian and vegan dishes as a meat substitute.
Grill them, fry them, bake them or stick them in a stew (or pie)—Happy National Mushroom Day!

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